Minggu, 17 April 2016

The Story of Love that Last

Tik. Tok. Tik. Tok.

The old-fashioned clock on the wall kept breaking the glory of silence in the room that occupied by a lot of people, surrounded a massive bed as a person laid on there. The person laid on the bed, silently watching the people moving around or talked in a hush voice. He looked for the one person only, but when his now not so good eye sight couldn't find the person, he began to speak.

“Where’s Lucy?” he asked in a low voice. Almost whispered.

Upon hearing that, people in that room started to sob, or sighed in frustrated manner. The old man frowned deeper on his already wrinkled forehead, confusing of what these people do right now.

Then there’s a woman approached his bed and sat beside him. She wiped her wet eyes first and then leaned closer to the old man.

“Dad, this is Hana, Mom―Lucy, died 2 years ago.... Y-you have to be strong Dad,”

The old man named Steven Howl. He used to be a strong man with handsome features and perfect family. Although the children had moved to build their own family, although now they only visited home in Christmas and holiday, his life somehow was perfect. He grew old with his wife always beside him.

Steven married a beautiful woman named Lucy Parker 52 years ago. Now he was 74 and when he’s 70, he started to develop Alzheimer. He started to forget a lot of things. Even his children, grandchildren and the way back home from the park nearby to his house. But one thing he never forgot was his wife. His beautiful wife. 52 years of their marriage, he never ran out of love for his wife.  He loved and still loves her so much.

So when she decided to leave him forever 2 years ago, she brought his heart away with her.


“Grand Papa? Are you feeling alright?”  A girl came and climbed his bed. She laid next to Steven and smiled when Steven looked at her.

“Dad, I need to buy groceries so I leave Gina with you, take care of her yeah? And in case you don’t remember her, she’s your grand children Dad,” Hana, one of Steven’s daughters kissed his father on the cheek and waved her daughter goodbye.

Gina waved back at her mother. After her mother gone, she paid back her attention to her Grand Papa. Showing interest in her sparkling eyes upon seeing her Grand Papa suddenly smiled at her.

“You look like your Grand Ma,” Steven said weakly.

“Really? Is Grand Mama pretty?” She replied with excitement. Happy that finally her Grand Papa wanted to talk to her again, after 2 years of his mourn.

Steven nodded his head. “Very, she is the most beautiful woman Grand Pa ever laid eyes on,”

“Tell me more about Grand Mama!” she demanded.

“Your Grand Ma had a pair of sparkling eyes, button nose and perfect shaped lips. She's like the queen in our school back then. She was also small compared to Grand Pa so Grand Pa always protect her from bad guys,”

“Like a knight in shining armor!”

“Yes just like that,” Steven laughed along with his grand daughter but not too long because his cough stopped him to do so. 

“Then you must be lucky to have her, only good man get the beautiful woman Grand Papa!”

Steven chuckled weakly hearing his grand daughter eager response. “Yes, may be Grand Papa is indeed very lucky,”


That night, after dinner, Steven didn't join his big family that had been gathered back in this house to take care of him. Claimed that he’s tired and needed a rest, the old Steven laid alone in his dim room. Opening again the photo book he often opened this past two years.

When he diagnosed with Alzheimer, he forgot literary everything. But he never forgot to greet his beautiful wife good morning and kiss her to wake. Or to kiss her good night, and buy a bouquet of roses in their wedding anniversary and her birthday. And whenever he spotted her, he always said, “Look at my beautiful wife!”

Doctor didn’t know why or how that could happen, and his children never imagined that the only memory he would like to keep was always the memory of his wife. Their mother.

Steven turned again the page and caressed the old photograph carefully. Traced his wife close up face with his wrinkled, shaking hand. 

“I miss you Lu, when would you pick me up? Don’t you think 2 years is too long?”

Steven turned again the page of the photo book. The next page turned  to be Steven and Lucy’s weeding day. In that photo, young Steven lifted up his smiled Lucy in bridal style and made a laugh face to the camera. There’re a lot of people surrounding them. Steven assumed them to be his and Lucy’s friend. People in that photo seemed to be genuinely happy.

“Lu, when you left me, I said to take me with you. But you said I have to wait, you said I will be with you again someday, you'd promised,”

Steven put the old photo book to the nightstand beside his bed. Then he slowly laid his tired body to the comfort of his massive bed. Took the left side and kept the right side empty and cold like usual. It used to be Lucy’s side.

“We vowed to the better and the worst, for sickness and health, and only death do us part and yes we fulfilled our vow Lu, death did us part..."

Steven gazed longingly at his room ceiling.  "...I think now only death can reunite us,”

He felt his eyelids become heavy and heavier. He wanted to close his eyes so badly but he stayed awake for a moment. And Steven for the first time in the past two years, moved his weak body to face the right side. 

And he found what he'd been waiting for.

His wife was there. Smiled oh so beautifully. Steven wasn't surprised to find his Lucy there. As he know she will be there somehow. So young, so beautiful, like the very first time he fell in love with his Lucy.

Steven returned her smile. He held his watery eyes. Tried not to stain his cheek. “So this is the time?”

It’s time for Steven to go. 

Lucy only smiled and nodded at her husband. Steven didn’t want to close his eyes. As he still wanted to see his beautiful wife. But it became harder and harder to do. So he slowly, very slowly closed his eyelids.  Whispering the last words he wanted to say in one breath that would be the last of his.

“I’m glad to be with you again Lu,”

Lucy promised that he will be with her again someday.

So Steven did.

He stayed together with his Lucy, for eternity.


Morning in the Howl’s residence was not that peaceful. This sunny day filled with gloom and tears everybody sheeded. There’re a lot people coming back and forth at the front door with black clothes to represent their condolences. Sob and tears, even cries, had been heard since the family found that their loved dad was laid on his bed unmoving and not breathing.

“Hana?” Hana felt someone taped her shoulder. She quickly wiped her eyes and faced the person who tapped her shoulder. Found one of her brother there, she engulfed him in tight embrace, searching for strength and warm there.

“It’s okay Hana, Dad is happy right now, he's with Mom. He always wanted to be with Mom, remember?” Her brother tried to assure her.

Hana nodded her head and let go of her brother. She faced her Dad’s coffin and looked at the peaceful smile carved on her dad’s face. Hana got surprised for a second then let go of her tears again as she bit her lips. Then she shook her head in disbelief and began to chuckle weakly.

Her brother who saw that raised his eyebrow at Hana. “Is there something interesting you want to share?”

Hana nodded and face her brother again. She smiled at her brother although her eyes still stained with fresh tears. “I just remembered that today is also dad and mom’s weeding anniversary,” Hana chuckled weakly. "Mom picked up dad on their weeding anniversary,"

After Hana said that, her brother nodded in agreement and smiled at his dead father. He held his father hand and saw a glistening silver band still rounded his pinky finger. Secured the vow he made 52 years ago.

"Mom wants the day they decided to be together till death do them part, be the same day the death will unite them together. We had a very cheesy Mom," Hana joked to her brother.

"I don't know if love could last this long, and still stayed just as strong as the very first time love came to them," Her brother added. "It's beautifully amazing,"


Senin, 23 November 2015


  A paragraph  summary should  be  as short as  possible,  but  it must  be  a  complete sentence. The summary of  a  paragraph  is the  main  idea  of  the  paragraph. 

How to summarizing : 
Step 1  Read the paragraph all the way through to be sure you understand it. 
Step 2  Check to see if the paragraph contains a topic sentence.
Step 3  Write the topic sentence or statement.

Book Report on Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Have you ever dream of being a wizard that can do anything easily with your magic? Or how if actually you are a wizard, and this morning, an owl delivered your letter of acceptance to a wizard school? But actually, being a wizard is not as easy as you might think. This is what Harry Potter faced in his 11th birthday in fiction novel Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone.

Rabu, 04 November 2015

Poster Part-2 (After the Revision)

So, today I had tutorial with Mrs. Devi and Mrs. Devi tell me the worda that actually be more match in my poster. So above there are the revision.

Selasa, 03 November 2015


Have you been familiar with India's movie? Sometimes you would imagine that corny, sappy drama that contain the main character constantly dancing and singing whether they're happy or not. But here, I would not talk about that. I will review India's movie that just so good I keep rerun it. The movie called 3 Idiots.

Minggu, 01 November 2015


So how's your life going? In term of work, love and  your social life? Is it okay? :)

Well, life only happen once, with the amount of time that never can be repeated. So, savour the moment everyone, and enjoy your life :)


And i made the whole poster, I mean by make the two pictures above to one, here it is


 So, this assignment is about sending email to an aboard pen pal. here's mine. His name is Pong but I don't call him Pong, i call him Kuu. It's his nickname. He is actually my friend's friend. But my friend introduced him to me. Here's the conversation.

 yes, I am that desperate.

So that's the end of our conversation. He let me post the conversation so I post this. He's a nice person. I hope I can visit Vietnam one day :)