Minggu, 27 September 2015


Good day everyone! Now, this entry will talk about postcards. Well, i just want to show postcard I've written because actually I still confusing about it. So this is maybe the perfect title is 'postcards written by absolute amateur'.

Rabu, 16 September 2015

Text A Lecturer To Ask For Permission

Good day everyone :)

So in my third post, I will talk about short message service or we usually shorten it to SMS. Usually we do some texting to our friends, or family, but now, I'm gonna post the text I sent to my lecturer in University, Mrs. Devi. This is for assignment actually.

Selasa, 15 September 2015

Direction From GK1 to PLA

Good day everyone :)

Now, I will talk about what we did in our writing class today ^^

So when we learn about short message, actually we also learn how to giving direction in short form like memo. It doesn't have long words like we used to describe direction, here's mine :

A Note For A Friend

Good day everyone-since i don't know when you all will read this post, so i wish everybody good day :)

For the first meeting in writing class, we write memo to our room mate or our family if we still live with our family, and let our friend check it for us. And I'm gonna write mine-I wrote it to my sister-here,