Rabu, 16 September 2015

Text A Lecturer To Ask For Permission

Good day everyone :)

So in my third post, I will talk about short message service or we usually shorten it to SMS. Usually we do some texting to our friends, or family, but now, I'm gonna post the text I sent to my lecturer in University, Mrs. Devi. This is for assignment actually.

And since it was a message to a lecturer, it must be polite, but saying sorry too much is unnecessary. The first thing is the greeting, and then we just telling our main point why we send message to our lecturer. But don't forget to say thank you after that. Here's mine,

I sent it around 9 a.m and Mrs. Devi answered it around 12 p.m-and the funny thing is I got my heartbeat race when I open up the message like someone in love. From the reply, I know my text message is kind of not really perfect. The reason must be specific. Mrs. Devi answer my message : "repeat and clarify 'family matter' " and then I'm like "Omg what should i do"

So I think and think and come up with this idea :

Actually my sister is still in college and doesn't have a plan to marry yet.

And....finally Mrs. Devi said it was okay, so I sigh like "omg finally". But for the tiny detail, I write "to not attend to...." which is wrong and the correct one is "not to attend...." (Thank you Mrs. Devi for the correction, actually  I'm kind of confused too when i write that part.)

Here's the whole sms,

So, thank you for reading~

(cr picture to the owner,but the whole message is mine~)

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