Minggu, 27 September 2015


Good day everyone! Now, this entry will talk about postcards. Well, i just want to show postcard I've written because actually I still confusing about it. So this is maybe the perfect title is 'postcards written by absolute amateur'.

Anyway, I read the module and I try hard to understand about it. But I think, still, the best way to learn is not only by read it but also explained by the teacher. But Mrs. Devi is sick so she can not teach us that moment. And I really hope she would get well soon :)

The things I underlined are
  • that postcards should be short like writing a short note. 
  • Use present continuous to say you're enjoying the holiday
  • Use the present perfect to say what you have done.
  • Use going to your future plans
  • Dear + name for the opening and for the closing just use love + name, or anything

I do't know how we should write the postcards, but since my camera is not that good I just photoshoped my postcards,

And here's the first task:

Imagine you are on holiday in France,

Actually i still confusing about the address. Because the Indonesian and aboard address is kind of different I think? so still don't know if it is right or not. and I write for Luhan, lol. He's my favorite actor from China and of course the address is false :)

And the second is Spain. And in the scenario, I'm here for cooking holiday. And I'm still write it for Luhan.

The third, picture is provided here, it's kind of lake? The picture is in black and white so...well we just consider it as lake.

The fourth.... oh it's hard. so we look at the picture, it's like kind of city and there's building there and here. But the thing is, the holiday is actually not have gone so well... it's kind of hard for me..

Fifth! I like the fifth task. We have to imagine where would we be if we have a chance to win a lotto to go aboard. And i choose Korea. I really want to go there...

Sixth task is we have to choose the correct sentences basic on grammar skill. The sentences will form a postcard, so here's mine, but i still doesn't know whether it's wrong or not,

Seventh task! Yes, there's a lot of tasks. but this is the last. Write postcard to your family member ( I write it for my sister) and i choose to go to Beijing this time,

And finally, this is done, I'm sorry for grammatical errors and anything you found not right in this post. Thankyou 

(cr. for the picture from the postcards)

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