Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Grammatical Errors on Status Post (But Who Am I to Judge lol)

So, this is my sixth post i think, and I’m going to talk about grammatical errors on status post.
Well, first, status on social media is common nowadays. I think everybody at least has 1 account of social media. Name it, facebook, twitter, line, bbm, Whatsapp, wechat, instagram, weibo, youtube chanel, snapshoot, and many more.

And for those people who doesn’t have English as their first language, writing one in English will make they look smart and cooler as they tought ( me too actually, lol ). But English has grammar. Which actually hard to understand. Take example as  Indonesian language doesn’t have grammar and past tense, or perfect or the other tense.

Hence, this happened.

Okay…I blurred and censored the name so I hope this post doesn’t cause any harm. And I screen shooted this from one of the famous social media where you can share photos and videos J you-know-which-one.

It written “Even i’m glance there, i’ve never see you. Where have you’ve been?”

First, Use an adjective after a linking verb. So since glance is verb, or adverb, or noun (I checked Oxford Dictionary don’t worry) so it should be written just I glance. No linking verb needed.

Second, i’ve never see you. Okay, so the correct one is I’ve never seen (V3) you. But I think, if it connected to the first, just I never see you will work.

Third, where have you’ve been? I’m kind of confusing when I read this one. I search up the internet and I concluded that I think, the correct one is just where have you been?

But, I think, people from those countries who don’t speak English as their first language can have right grammar too.

Like this one.

She went to Beijing couple days ago so when telling the story, she uses past tense. “We also went to a PUMA store where I bought the That Good Good red jacket J and oh, they were playing Luhan’s PUMA ads there. His signature was there as well, but the staff said he hasn’t come to this branch.”

First she even wrote I with capital. Wow… If Microsoft word doesn’t correct me, I’ll write it just i.

Second, I think it’s correct to use past tense. Since it happened couple days ago. And when she talked about the event that doesn’t happen yet, she used the present.

So I think that’s it? I know this post also have many grammatical errors *sob* I’m sorry, I’ll study harder~

See you in next post~

Cr. Captions and first picture to the owner.

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