Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

Tales of The Potato Girl

Tuesday, Sept 30 2015

Dear Lu

This is the first time I write diary again after God knows when. Why dear Lu? Well it's because I feel like write for Luhan (yeah, you are my motivation).

Anyway, today i'm still mourning about 2 days ago's event. Yesterday when i scrolled my instagram home, I saw this one girl that went so far from her country Malaysia to Beijing so she could watch Luhan's first concert.

Of course i felt happy for her. I did. It's every fan girl dream to meet her idol. But I feel I just....feel like I'm...jealous?

The I-WANT-TO-GO-THERE-TOO kind of feeling?

The girl got official t-shirt, goody bag, new friend, new experience, holiday, and the most important one is she got to look in Luhan's eyes because she had like vvvvip ticket I will never had enough money to afford it.

Well...i felt like want to cry my heart a river.

And then i think. Well I'm still a college student. I'm still depending on my parents about my school fee, food, clothes and everything about money. But that girl is working (she drive audi omg), so the important thing is if I want something then I have to earn money by my self. So I can do anything and everything because that's my money!!

Oh how beautiful that can be.

But then again, life is hard. I probably still can't do anything I like because is hard (right me in 5 years from now?)

But dream is dream. It there so we have a motivation to do something we don't like (study) so we can be a successful man or woman.

And this night I comforted my self by played hangaroo. It's game where you guess letter by clue provided in the game. It can be book's tittle and author, movie cast, phrase, etc. And when we can't guess it, the kangoroo will be hanged. So that's why, hangaroo=hang+kangaroo. I died in the middle of the progress anyway. After i guessed 5 out of 10. So sad...

So i think that's it? I don't know what else i should write here.

Love. Vanda

P.s : is it weird if I imagine Luhan's face whenever I typed? Lol. I felt like really talking to 'Luhan'

p.s.s : Can i attached pics here? This is my diary right?

p.s.s.s : for those who curious about this post title, it's because I'm just this kind of potato girl. I'm not that famous girl who befriend the whole university, i'm not that pretty sweet girl who donates her blood, well I'm just that potato. Potato taste a little plain right? So here's my plain story of my plain life. lol

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