Senin, 19 Oktober 2015


So, in this post I’m going to talk about one of my rare passion (rare, because I hardly doing anything) draw.

Okay, many people said that drawing is kind of talent. Like singing, yes everybody can sing but maybe not every pitch is perfect. But I think, in my opinion, everyone can learn how to draw. Just make your self familiar how to draw this and that.

Well first, the most important equipment it self is just a pencil. Of course we need the other tools too. Like example, eraser, the hatching equipment, and many more.

So here are the equipments :
  1.  Pencil : everybody have pencil. Just use the one you feel comfortable to writing. But if you want to, you can buy various type of pencil like HB, B, 2B, until 8B. But once again, if you don’t have much money, you just buy HB, 2B, 5B, and 7B. It’ll cost around 13 thousand rupiah. 
  2.  Eraser : for eraser, actually we need the various kind of size. Since sometimes we need to erase the small part as well. And the cheap tips say, you just buy that kind of eraser that easy to tear. And every time you need to erase something small, just tear the eraser into small piece then use it to erase.
  3. Tissue and cotton bud : I don’t have money to buy the hatching equipment. So I just use tissue to hatch the bigger part and cotton bud to hatch the small part. You can actually make the hatching equipment  by some news paper. There’s a lot blog tell you how to make it. But when you’re too lazy to do so, just use tissue and cotton bud. And your hand too. It will do.
  4. The thing to put your drawing. I don't say paper, because you simply can draw anywhere. But please don't do vandalism. It's a bad action. 

How to do it :
  1. Have the willing
  2. Find the inspiration
  3.  Do it

Well, actually just that. The number 2, I actually write it just for formality. Because for me, I find my inspiration after I started drawing. Like, "Oh, it have to be like this blah blah”

And this is my drawing, well, it done long ago. When I still in high school. And the theme maybe, “Fantasy Person” because I actually just draw unreal-person back then.

First, let me show you Miss Pretty Girl. A lot of my friend said she was pretty when I don’t think so.. but yeah… at least she was prettier than me. Lol. 

I don’t mention the color equipment because it done by photo shop. After I took the picture, I did the coloring with photoshop. It’s because I don’t do corel. It’s complicated and my simple brain doesn’t know how to operate it. Here’s the one without coloring :

The hardest part of that drawing is the nose. It’s because she was turning her head slighty so I need to draw the nose like that. But thanks God it came out just good.

And there’s no reason I drew this. Just for leasure time. For fun.

And the second is The Baby Deer.

And for the first time I want to tell something in my drawing. It’s that everybody can be different. Everybody has the different style, they are just their self and they still can be pretty and shine. And you are indeed a special one.

The thing is, I don’t know if that was delivered well. Lol.

The hard thing when I draw this is the moon and the flowers. And I still coloring that with photoshop. Here’s the one with no color.

The deer's horn is something you won't let go. So I drew another, this time it's a siluet and actually it was Luhan. Because Lu means deer so why I don't draw Luhan with deer horns anyway.

Too much camera effect I think?

The fourth, I'll show you An Angel. which had a face of Park Shin Hye (Korean Actress). I intentionally draw her face, since she's pretty and all. I drew it for valentine. I don't know, since it was valentine so an angel for your company? LOL.

And the last is The Girl Who Drowns in Tears

I found this when I cleaned my room. I remember the time I draw this is when I’m in school. In the middle of boring schedule and all of sudden I just felt so blue. The girl is actually crying.

Standing in the middle of lotus leaf which is so fragile, floating on her own tears. The atmosphere is just so dark.

Forget it, I don’t know what I’m talking about.

So it’s important to build the feeling of your drawing. So search images from google that have various expression then you’ll know how to draw one.

For more cheap tips just visit youtube and search “how to draw ….” You can fill the blank with eyes, realistic hair, finger, and many more. It’s free, you just have to connect to the internet. But in this era…who doesn’t live with internet anyway.

And now…. I’m in the mood to draw a realistic person. Here’s the one I’d taken the pics :

The Pretty Rocker Natasha Nauljam

And of course…. LUHAAAANNN!!!

1 komentar:

  1. Your drawing is so amazing! Can you draw in Japanese style too?
